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Gracenotes® are eulogies for the living

Gracenotes live at the intersection of mattering, meaning-making, inclusion and navigating grief and loss.

They’re an ACTION that says, “I SEE you. Here is HOW you MATTER.”

They help work teams and families become more resilient, hopeful, and collaborative, especially when life feels precarious and uncertain.

​Giving and receiving Gracenotes lessens the pain of grief and regret, as well as boosts happiness and a sense of belonging…for both the giver and the receiver.

Sharing them has profound, positive impacts on your family, your friends, and even on yourself.​

Like musical grace notes, they make something beautiful even better.


Creator of Gracenotes

Andrea Driessen has dedicated her career to helping companies, nonprofits, and teams become more communicative, effective, and capable. So it’s no wonder that as a hospice volunteer with Providence of Seattle, she understands the profound power of open and caring communication between those who are dying and their loved ones, along with the importance of mattering, recognition, inclusion, and productivity in the business world.

Through her interactions with people who are dying—and those who are very much alive—she has developed this powerful, actionable tool. And has witnessed the life-changing effects this straightforward exercise has on anyone.


Andrea delivered TEDxSeattle Talks on Gracenotes in both 2019 and 2021.

Find out about interactive, actionable experiences for your workplace:

Gracenotes' Origin Story,
a short, artful film produced by ReflectionsOnLife

Share Your Gracenote
I was stunned to receive this unexpected gift of a Gracenote from a dear friend…Most touching was hearing how my friend “saw” me. So often, we’re critical of ourselves or focus on our weaknesses. It was incredibly powerful and validating to hear that, where I saw failure, she saw achievement; where I saw ‘not good enough,’ she saw perfection. Having her hold up this lovely mirror of how she saw me truly changed the way I thought about myself. I keep her Gracenote in my bedside table and take it out when I need a boost.

KA Johansson


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